Donna M.

I have had “floaters” for a few years, but now they are so large that I am having trouble seeing anything. I can’t read the tv guide on cable tv from my chair. Nothing I do helps. I am constantly rubbing my eyes thinking that will help. It doesn’t. I can’t read most road signs and I am incapable of driving at night or in the rain. Either of those activities scares me, so I must wait until my husband is home to do the driving. I feel as if I have a cloud over my eyes that won’t go away. I take my glasses off to read, but that helps very little. In the supermarket, I can’t read labels or prices very well. I get so frustrated that I sometimes cry. My husband reads a lot of things to me and helps with the small print. I am a voracious reader and would constantly have a book with me. I can’t do that now because I get so frustrated trying to get a clear view of the words.

Donna M.
June 2, 2013

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