James P.

I work for the United States Post Office as a city letter carrier. I first noticed my eye problem about three years ago. It looks like spots or splatters of paint moving across my eyes when I look up or down, or left or right, then when I look straight ahead. My eyes...

Clayton P.

For some time now, my vision has become gradually impaired.  What I see is hard to explain, but it is like looking through white tissue paper.  The image is almost there, but foggy or like looking through a cloud.  This causes me to blink excessively to try and clear...

Iris M.

Imagine being at the bottom of the North Sea, looking up through an oil slick during a heavy windstorm and you will have a picture of what it is like looking through my eyes. I am a realtor and experience delayed reactions to street signs, house numbers, and faces of...